Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, July 15, 2010

007 - green

This is my seventh photo in the BIG Photo ChallengeI have taken this photo on July, 2008. The photo has taken with my first own camera (Samsung Digimax S500).  The theme of 26th week was "Green".

Our cat, Laku, gave birth four kitten on June, 2008. We named them as Kerttu, Ernesti, Kaapo and Luna. Do not laugh because those Finnish names sounds really weird (lol!). That name, Luna, is an international name. That kitten in photo is called Luna and I named her because she has a little moon on her face. Luna meand 'the moon' in Romany. Think it's a very wonderful name! We gave Luna to my cousins. Sadly Luna has lost and nobody does know where is she.

Well, I taken this photo when Luna was outside at the first time. She caught some butterflies and was really alert and happy! Finally she didn't want to come inside at all :-)

Hope you like this photo, I really do!


My Diabetic Sweet Life said...

Awwww what a cute kitten :) I remember mine being that small.

Mirella said...

She really was :)

Laura said...

Oiii, vai pitäiskö sanoa se englanniks ku blogiki on englanniks. X)
Nooh, hienolta näyttää tämä ja hienoi kuvii, nii ku aina sun kuvat! ;)
Haluisin kyll tän sun kielipään! ;__;

Mirella said...

Kiitos, Laura! <3 No, en toista kielipäästä sano mitään, se kun välillä tuntuu ihan minimaaliselta. Kiitti kuitenkin :D

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