This is my sixth photo in the BIG Photo Challenge. I have taken this photo on August, 2008. The photo has taken with my first own camera (Samsung Digimax S500). The theme of 25th week was "Special". I wondered a long time what can I introduce with this theme.
Well, I was sailing on the Baltic with my family and cousins. It was a really beautiful and sunny day. I remember that day when I'm older. I've ever been sailing before that day and it was something special to me. We beached to a fishermen's island here, in Finland (well, those people spoke Swedish because Finland is a bilingual country). That island, Gullkrona, was really beautiful and idyllic island with a smell of smoked fish (I love that smell! Does anyone else?). It was like a paradise! When we came back, is saw that sailing. It's my namesake, it's also Mirella. It's a first namesake I have ever seen because my name is unusual in Finland.
P.S. Here is a photo which I've taken from that island.
P.S. For Finnish people: Täällä on tietoa tuosta lumoavasta saaresta, saari sijaitsee siis Turun saaristossa. Valitettavasti saareen ei ole enää avointa pääsyä :-(
P.S. I'm really sorry that this post is quite late. We haven't had an Internet connection during two weeks.
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