Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, September 27, 2010

011- fall

This is my 11th photo in the BIG Photo ChallengeI have taken this photo on September 15, 2010. The photo has taken with Canon IXUS 100 IS.  The theme of 38th week was "Fall". 

Fall is really beautiful in Finland (especially in Lapland) with all those golden, yellow and red leaves. It's also my favorite season. Well, the girl behind umbrella is my nine years old sister. We were photographing fall colors which are really beautiful right now. I like all the colors of this picture from galoshes to leaves. Hope you like it too!

P.S. I'm really exciting right now. On October 1 is my 17th birthday and on October 9.-14. I'm finally in beautiful Barcelona! It has been my biggest dream ever - and it came true! Right now I'm in the seventh heaven :---)

P.P.S. I'm really, really sorry that I'm late with this challenge. I have had some school works so that's why I've been very busy. I'll post those expired posts slowly :-)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

010 - doorway

This is my 10th photo in the BIG Photo Challenge. This photo has taken with Canon IXUS 100 IS, on September 15. The theme of 37th week was "Doorways". 

I just took this picture at last week - so, here you are and hope you like it! :-)

009 - expressions

This is my ninth photo in the BIG Photo ChallengeI have taken this photo a long time ago. It was maybe the Summer when I was about  14 or 13 years old. The photo has taken with my first own camera, Samsung Digimax S500.  The theme of 36th week was "Expressions". 

Yep, that's me. I like this picture very much. I like those colors and my freckles. I think my eyelashes look like wings - LOL! It makes me smile - that was a happy summer :-)

Here you are, hope you like it too!

008 - red

This is my eighth photo in the BIG Photo ChallengeI have taken this on this morning (on September 27) when the sun was rising and the moment was amazing! The photo has taken with my Canon IXUS 100 IS.  The theme of 35th week was "Red".

Hope you like it!
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